Exhibition and conferences of western artists with CA artists.
Jailoo 2010 is a meeting and encounter between western artists and Central Asian artists,
In order to increase the exposure of western art in CA. Hardly artists from CA are exposed to
Modern western contemporary art, these encounters is set to change this blockade.
If the soviet closure was the reason of lack of exchange there are no possibilities of this kind of exchange nowadays due to economic reasons. Western artists are not interested in CA because there is no real money there or are rarely invited there for exhibitions. And CA artists rarely share any
Background to share experiences or work with similar issues. Understanding is difficult but needed.
Jailoo wants to be a flexible meeting event, with variable locations along C.A.
The first JAILOO will happen in 2010 in Kyrgyzstan.
JAILOO features an exhibition and a series of conferences workshops, film screenings round tables
Jailoo is also a network of curators and artists for a better interchange, and will grow as a community online and also will be a tool for CA to promote their art in the west.
JAILOO will invite artist from Europe, North and South America.
JAILOO will invite a selection of curators from all over the world to come and visit the exhibitions and meet the artists. |